
Bzflag dos
Bzflag dos

All of this is accomplished in the next step. You will also be able to specify many details of the game play (how many good and bad flags, jumping, ricochet, etc.). You may specify a map or ask your server to create a random one. Next you need to have an idea of how your server is going to look: you are probably already familiar with the game style (CTF, Rabbit) from playing on existing servers. In this case you probably want to " Alias Your IP Address" to a static name (click on the link for how to). If the IP is dynamic, this means that your internet provider will change the address once in a while (without warning). If the IP address is static, your life will be a little easier since you can specify that address once and forever. If your server is going to be on a machine that is connected via DSL or Cable, figure out if your provider is giving you a dynamic or a static IP. The address may be your IP address (something like, or the domain name pointing to your computer (e.g. You will specify this address when you run the server (more on this below). You must provide an address to connect to. With really fast connections, such as T1 or related, you could host dozens (although you may not want to do so). If you are on a high end DSL or higher connection you will be able to host a few players. There are a few requirements in creating a server.

bzflag dos bzflag dos

For public servers this host computer must be connected to the internet, and be able to accept incoming connections on a fixed port.īefore you create a server, you need to decide what you want your server will be like.

#Bzflag dos software

It involves running the server software BZFS on some host computer. Running a server can be done in both public or private modes.

  • 4 Getting your server on the public list.

  • Bzflag dos