
Abscissa and ordinates
Abscissa and ordinates

abscissa and ordinates

We know that abscissa starts with A and ordinate starts with O, and A comes before O, similar to X comes before Y, thus A matches X and O matches Y. There is a trick which can be used to memorize it. Thus it is recommended to memorize the definition of abscissa and ordinates individually. The abscissa is x-axis and ordinates is y-axis. Note: Generally, students confuse abscissa and ordinates and they miss-understand abscissa as y-axis and ordinates as x-axis but it is not true. In which quadrant is the abscissa negative and the ordinate positive Explanation: The abscissa is the horizontal direction( x ) and the ordinate is the vertical direction( y ). Thus, option a) is the correct answer for the given question. (ii) The co-ordinates of any point lies in the second quadrant have the abscissa negative and ordinate positive i.e. In our question, given point is $\left( 4,-8 \right)$, we first plot the point this point $\left( 4,-8 \right)$, on the rectangular coordinate system as shown below,įrom the above plot, we can say that the given point $\left( 4,-8 \right)$ has 4 on the x-axis and -8 on the y-axis, therefore 4 is known as the abscissa and -8 is known as ordinate.

abscissa and ordinates

Like in point $\left( -3,-4 \right)$ we say abscissa to be -3 and ordinate to be -4. In other words, all the points on the x-axis are abscissa and all the points on the y-axis are ordinates. In the generic coordinate system, the x-axis is called abscissa and the y-axis is called ordinate. Similarly, a straight line from a point drawn parallel to one coordinate axis and meet the other, especially a coordinate measured parallel to the vertical is called ordinates or we can say that y-axis is called ordinates. Or we can say that the x-axis is called abscissa. So, basically, abscissa is the distance from a point to the vertical or y-axis, measured parallel to the horizontal or x-axis. For this first we will discuss the definition of abscissa and ordinates and their differences. It is given in the question that we have to state the abscissa and ordinate of the point $\left( 4,-8 \right)$.

abscissa and ordinates

Basically, distance from the y-axis is known as abscissa and distance from x-axis is the ordinate. We will state $\left( 4,-8 \right)$ as abscissa and ordinate. Furthermore, comparisons with several state-of-the-art methods demonstrate its superiority in tackling this engineering challenge.Hint: We will discuss the definition of abscissa and ordinates in the solution of this question. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method can adaptively recognize the upper-stack drilling signals, lower-stack drilling signals, and countersink signals from the raw monitoring signals. Finally, the actual cutting signals are recognized based on these landmark points and shape information about the cutting tool and CFRP/CFRP stacks. A dynamic threshold is then employed to calculate several key data points for signal segmentation. It uses a Butterworth filter to remove noise and extract the signal baseline. This method identifies the data segments collected during material removal. To solve these problems, we propose a method for segmenting CFRP/CFRP stacks drilling-countersinking monitoring signals. However, the signals recorded by these sensors may contain numerous non-informative data segments, which can increase the computational time of data processing and decrease the accuracy of condition monitoring. To ensure proper functioning, it is necessary to monitor the drilling and countersinking process with sensors. However, this process often induces defects such as CFRP delamination, which can weaken the reliability of the structure. In this industry, CFRP/CFRP stacks are often drilled and countersunk to create holes for assembly fasteners. Carbon-fiber-reinforced plastics (CFRP) stacks are widely used in the aerospace industry owing to their superior mechanical properties and lightweight nature.

Abscissa and ordinates